Brian A. Butcher arrives at McGill after three years of teaching in the Toronto School of Theology, where he remains a Fellow of the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptysky Institute of Eastern Christian...
Pablo Irizar was born and raised in Mexico City. He holds a PhD in Philosophy (Paris) and a PhD in Theology and Religious Studies (Leuven) [summa cum laude]. He specializes in early Christianity,...
Professor Douglas Farrow has published a new translation of, and commentary on, the earliest extant work of Christian literature, Paul’s Thessalonian correspondence: 1 & 2 Thessalonians (Baker...
The School of Religious Studies began a new initiative in the Winter 2019 semester: the SRS Special Projects Fund. Through these funds, the School is providing extra support to its professors to...
Recent School of Religious Studies PhD graduate, Jingjing Li, submitted her final thesis (entitled “Same road, different tracks: A comparative study of Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology and Chinese...
The School of Religious Studies would like to thank Mr. Jonathan Birks (pictured, centre, next to Scott Corbett, Senior Development Officer, Faculty of Arts and Garth Green, Director of the School)...